Sunlight Foundation seeks volunteers to open state legislative data

You’ve all heard me say before that every web site benefits from a data API. A corollary to that claim is that every site’s users benefit sunlightlabs_180x180from a data API, and there are few domains where that corollary  applies more than in Government.

The good news is that we lowly citizens have some strong coalitions of fellow lowly citizens advocating for our side.

The Sunlight Labs project over at the Sunlight Foundation just announced that they’re seeking volunteers to help scrape state legislative data to better enable automatic consumption of, and mashups on, government data.

If you have a couple of hours free and are proficient in some parsing library (Beautiful Soup? Perl?), check out the state legislation data project wiki, and consider helping them out with your state.

If you love data and freedom, please spread the word!

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