November 28, 2008 – 7:40 pm
Selection paralysis I got to thinking lately about how I wish I had a wiki on my personal web site, because I want to do some quick’n’dirty semi-structured and richly linked writing to share with others so I can get feedback and input. I spent some time catching up on what wiki systems are best [...]
February 20, 2008 – 10:37 pm
Marshall Kirkpatrick’s claim that Vidoop is “a company made up largely of engineers with military backgrounds” makes for a great thriller plot, especially in the context of his National ID discussion over at ReadWriteWeb. That description, however, doesn’t reflect the Vidoop that I know. One of our developers was a civilian researcher at the Naval [...]
November 27, 2007 – 10:58 pm
One thing that concerns many people about OpenID is what happens if their provider goes out of business or if they want to switch to another provider for some other reason. At Vidoop, we believe that users deserve to always be in control of their online identity, even if it means that they’d like to [...]
October 22, 2007 – 5:20 pm
There are just short of 1.3 zillion OpenID concerns out there (no, seriosly–I counted), most of them well-intentioned but overblown. And most of them are just as applicable to username and password. The biggest difference is that everyone has experience with username and password and knows all of the best practices for dealing with them. [...]