Tulsa Tech Fest 2007: Developing Software with Security in Mind

Here are the notes from my Tulsa Tech Fest 2007 talk "Developing Software with Security in Mind".

I describe 10 rules that everyone should keep in mind while developign software:

  1. Learn about security or it will teach you.
  2. Security knowledge goes obsolete quickly.
  3. Your team should have a security geek (or more).
  4. Befriend the security researchers in your field.
  5. Despite knowledge, you will ship security bugs.
  6. Have security response plans in place.
  7. Security and usability will always be in tension.
  8. The perfect is the enemy of the good.
  9. Have open conversations about security.
  10. Sometimes there is no rule #10.

Updated 2007/10/21: Make link to slides not stop at the sign-in page.

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