Category Archives: Uncategorized

The other Channel 9

Most of you have probably heard me rave about Microsoft’s video blog for developers called Channel 9. It’s named after my favorite feature of United Airlines—namely the ability to plug a headset into your armrest and listen in on the cockpit’s radio by tuning to channel 9. As I was flying back for a visit [...]

In Seattle this weekend

Hey, everybody. I’ll be back in Seattle this weekend (January 27 & 28). Anything fun going on?

A typical day in Tulsa

I can’t believe I’m coming up on the end of my second month at my new job in Tulsa. Here’s a picture of a normal day for me. I wake up around 7:20am to an NPR station. I love the little fanfare that Morning Edition uses to introduce their business section. One of these days, [...]

Settling in to my new gig

I’m settling in to my new gig and having an absolute blast. While I was at Microsoft, I had a couch that was blue with each of a green, a yellow, and a red pillow on top. That color scheme worked fine for there, but not so well at Vidoop, whose logo is red and [...]

Stupid then smart: Xbox 360 headset connector broke

I got an Xbox 360 message from a friend the other day telling me that my attempt at sending him a voice message sounded like 5 seconds of silence. I did some troubleshooting only to find that the tip of the headset’s connector had broken off inside one of my controllers. That really pissed me [...]

The return of fun flash crap

Attn: Maloney–you’ll like this. Only sort of a puzzle, but pretty fun:

Everything’s changing

I (and everyone I know) figured I was about the last person on the list of people likely to quit work at Microsoft any time soon, but a very interesting opportunity came along. It’s the kind of company that would rather that I not say much about just yet, but I’ll say this: it takes [...]

Beginning instrument training!

It’s been way too long since I’ve flown, but I met up with my flight instructor today, and am signed up to get started learning to navigate through the clouds like real airplanes do!

Transparent screens

Online mini-hunt

If you enjoy the kinds of puzzles I do, you should subscribe to Panda Magazine. Even if you subscribe to Panda Magazine, you should try out There’s a Moose on the Loose! The puzzles that I’ve solved so far are fun and seem well designed.